My child, Anna, has been out in public now for more than 6 weeks and she is loved by all who have read her. I am blessed and surprised by the reviews that I have received. It seems that Anna and David are a huge success so far.

Also it is interesting what each person takes away from the story. One lady said she used the details about the ceremonial baths before the wedding to teach on purity. Another person said she has not trusted God for her marriage as Anna did for hers. One said, “I don’t think the gospel could be presented in a lovelier way.” Three others are starting Bible studies from the book. Others took
the journey and experienced God’s grace and love from a fresh prospective.

It just goes to prove that God can and does use anyone who is willing. Writing a novel was never on my bucket list, not ever. However, the Spirit of God gave me a story and surrounded me with people who helped me and cheered me on and now Anna is telling her story. I am amazed and so thankful.

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